Study in United Kingdom
Student life in the UK is incredibly varied. Even if you aren’t studying in London, it’s recommended that you visit the city for at least a week or so while studying in England. London is “the big city”, so there are always lots of things for you to discover and do. If you’re into tourism, then make sure to hit up the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, the London Eye, the Horse Guards Parade, and Buckingham Palace. Make sure that you stick around for the changing of the guard! There are dozens of museums to go to as well free of charge. Check out the Tate Modern, the British Film Institute, and the National Theatre during the day. Even if you’re an international student living in England, take some time to be a tourist and enjoy all of the sites. AbroadUniverse can help students access more than 100 universities in the UK, some of which are :
Why Study in the UK
- University of Portsmouth
- Anglia Ruskin University
- Bangor University
- City University, London
- Coventry University
- Dublin Business School
- Edinburgh Napier University
- Glasgow Caledonian University
- Glasgow Caledonian University London
- Leeds Metropolitan University
- Liverpool John Moores University
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Nottingham Trent University
- The University of Buckingham
- The University of Sheffield
- University of Brighton
- University of Central Lancashire
- University of Derby University of Dundee
- University of Essex
- University of Glasgow
- Hult IBS
- London School Of Economics
- Queen Mary University of London
- University of Huddersfield
- Sheffield Hallam University
- University of Lincoln
- University of Liverpool
- University of Salford
- University of Southampton
- Sheffield Hallam University
- University of Swansea
- University of the West of England
- University of the West of Scotland
- University of Westminster
- University of York St John