- Study Abroad Services: Offering study abroad services such as Career and Education counselling and preliminary assessment, Universities & Colleges placement services and guidance how to apply , CV Polishing, Editing essays and everything related to getting a full service related to admission at universities abroad, Assistance in the Student Visa procurement process, Pre Interview info session (for Embassies conducting such interviews), On-arrival service and Information and support for start-up in the study destination country (health insurance, bank account set-up, student discounts) and assistance in finding accommodation, Scholarship Assistance and Study Abroad Loan Assistance
- Catering Services: Offering catering services at schools and universities in Syria to name for example: provide healthy diets to support a healthy lifestyle in order to accommodate all learning opportunities, provide a healthy balanced diet within a relaxed dining atmosphere to encourage pupils to be included in the social interaction of dining, help to raise educational attainment through nutrition Provide in primary and secondary schools a fully inclusive two course meal for a set price each school day
- Consultation Services
- Offering solutions, services, programs and products to Syrian universities and schools related to the education management overall.
- Offering solutions to reform the teaching English as a second language in the Syrian schools, institutes and universities such as training and providing teachers with resources and professional development support to affect achievement in their classrooms
- Offering English language classes at the company offices in Syria and providing other education/teaching services such as test readiness, college preparation, and reading/English language art programs for students to prepare for college entrance exams and the admissions process. Offering professional development, skill building, resiliency building, and admissions planning programs.
- Offering collaboration services to institutions in Syria and outside Syria
- Training Services and Training Programs:
- Hosting programs offered by international universities at the offices of the company in Syria
- Entrance Exams and coaching classes and registration for Entrance and English and other standardized tests
- Touring Services:
- Organizing tours and trips for Syrians wanting to study in Lebanon and helping them to get admissions into LAU, ESA and AUB in Beirut.
- Organizing educational and career fairs in Syria and inviting universities from abroad to attend the Syrian fairs organized by the company or organized by schools in Syria
- Other Services:
- Offering Summer Camps Abroad programs and services
- Offering translation and legal services related to the papers needed for the visa or the admission
Working on education projects and organizing events for the students graduating in Syria and everything related to event management under this section (graduation, prom, after grad party)
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