Study in Belgium

In case you’re searching for a real international study abroad experience, then Belgium is your answer. A little nation, with a major social history, Belgium is home to more than 10 million individuals. Belgium can be generally isolated into two separate territories, the northern, Dutch-speaking territory of Flanders and the southern, French-speaking territory of Wallonia. Despite that Brussels is in the Flanders territory, it is a bilingual territory, with most to its residents speak both languages fluently. Therefore Belgium is an inviting domain for global understudies.

Brussels is one of the most multicultural cities in Europe, that offers an international experience to anyone wishing to study there. Its location is perfect to explore Europe in spare time. It has borders with Germany, Luxembourg, France, the Netherlands, and a border agreement with the United Kingdom, which means you can be in London in only two hours!

Belgium offers something beyond a rich cultural entertainment, however, with numerous amazing institutions spotted across the country. Belgian colleges present international students, with many courses being instructed in English, and if you are interested in studying in the native French or Dutch, the choice of courses available will open up for you.